2014-15 PIP Schedule

Here is the anticipated speaker schedule for the 2014-15 Partners class.  In October, we will share the location of our classes but it will not be at the Junior League or National Guard Armory.  Partners graduates and Partners students who need to complete requirements to graduate may attend classes by doing the following:

1. If you need to complete classes:  Read the below schedule carefully.  Erin cannot tell you which speakers you need to make up and WHEN these speakers come to Oklahoma changes annually.  In some cases, she can tell you which days you missed class.   Please email Erin (erin.taylor@okddc.ok.gov) at least 10 days before class and request a seat for a specific speaker or time frame.  Depending on a few factors, we may be able to feed you lunch/dinner that day but please make your own meal plans just in case.  As a reminder, class on Saturday and Sunday starts at 9 AM and ends at 7:30 PM on Saturday and 2 PM Sunday.  We cannot provide respite or mileage reimbursement or hotel rooms to former students completing requirements.

2. If you are a PIP graduate and want to see a speaker: Please email Erin (erin.taylor@okddc.ok.gov) at least 10 days before class and request a seat for a specific speaker or time frame.  Depending on a few factors, we may be able to feed you lunch/dinner that day but please make your own meal plans just in case.  We cannot provide respite or mileage reimbursement or hotel rooms to former students completing requirements.

Please understand this is our anticipated schedule and exact times have not yet been established.  Additionally, Partners does not start until October 2014 this year and there are two sessions for that month.


People First Langauge by Erin Taylor and Ann Trudgeon

DDSD by Director Joanne Goin

Disability History of the United States by Erin Taylor

Disability History of Oklahoma by Jim Nicholson

Voting by invited state legislators

Cultural Competency by Erin Taylor


Continuity Across the Lifespan by Guy Caruso

OCT 18

History of Persons with Developmental Disabilities by Al Condelucci

Creating a Positive Trajectory by Ann Trudgeon

Medicaid Waivers by Kristi Blackburn

Special Education by Roseann Duplan

People First Panel by TBA

OCT 19

Inclusive Education by Patrick Schwarz

NOV 15

Employment by Regina Chace

State and Federal Systems Activity by Erin Taylor

Problem Solving Scenarios by Erin Taylor

Two Minute Punch by Erin Taylor

OK Waiting List & Parent Advocacy by Wanda Felty

Freedom World with Diana and David’s Story by Diana McCalment

NOV 16

Social Security, Guardianship and Medicaid by Dohn Hoyle

JAN 17

Legislative Process by Sandy Ingraham

Service Animals by Janet Borden and High Aim

FEB 21

OK Work Incentives Program by Vicky Dudgeon

Assistive Technology and Proper Positioning by Lorrie Sylvester and Chuck Roberts

Conflict Resolution by Sandy Ingraham

ABLE Tech by Miliisa Gofourth

FEB 22

Young Adult Transition by Jenifer Randle

Sexuality by Terry Dennison

MAR 28

Person Centered Thinking, Skills and Planning by Ann Trudgeon and Jenifer Randle

Visioning for 20/20 by Erin Taylor

Working with Families in Crisis by Ellyn Hefner and Erin Taylor

Emerging Federal Issues by Ann Trudgeon

Meetings and Parliamentary Procedure by Ann Trudgeon

MAR 29

Natural Supports by Kathie Snow

APR 18

Positive Approaches by Mike Mayer

Working with the Media by Sheree Powell

Mental Health Support by DeAnn Warfel

APR 19

Win-Win by Sandy Ingraham

MAY 16

Grassroots Organizing and Non-Profit Work by Erin Taylor and Ann Trudgeon

Serving on boards with Partners graduates and allies

MAY 17

Personal Advocacy Development Plan by Erin Taylor




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