We’re making every effort to make this the first place you search for current disability advocacy issues and opportunities in Oklahoma. We encourage your feedback!
Looking for something specific? Use the search box on the front page (top right). Each article is “tagged” with certain words we think readers will use in the search box. These tags are listed in red at the top of each post. Let us know if we need to better tag a specific article.
Additionally, we cluster articles into categories which you can search on the right hand of the home page.
Do you have a disability topic or a great resource to share? Please e-mail it to Erin @ Erin.Taylor@okddc.ok.gov or leave a comment here. It’s very important you send us to the exact URL — not just their homepage but the specific web page you want us to link.
Please remember this is a disability advocacy site that represents our Partners community. We will post appropriate material — accurate, objective, non-partisan and that respects the dignity of all persons. Ann Trudgeon, Executive Director for the Oklahoma Developmental Disabilities Council, has the ultimate call on what will and will not be posted. Please share materials, announcements and materials with us (nothing for profit) because my fellow PIP graduates are always my best source of information!