We beleive this opinion essay by Elaine Buschsbaum, former Chair of the New Jersey DD Council, is very thoughtful!
Category Archives: Community
Partners Couple Creates Project Special Courage
See story of PIP grad Lisa Turner and her husband, incoming PIP student, in the Tulsa World. They discuss frustrations with the OK Health Care Authority and raising their young adult daughter.
You can also join Project Special Courage‘s Facebook page.
Resources for Inclusive, Interdependent Communities
Att eh DD Council, we are BIG fans of Jon McKnight and his colleagues and many of his books are in our library. Here are some online, free resources:
Community Organizing by John McKnight (2013)
The Classic Duo: Accountability and Community Development Can Help Unlock an Abundance of Resources by Dan Duncan (2012).
Gift of Individuals by Mike Green. Also see his geat article on community building, “The Right Ducks.”
Also see Green’s Person-Centered and Community-Centered Inclusion Work.
TimeBanking is a way of giving and receiving to build supportive networks and strong communities. One hour helping another earns one TimeBank Hour (also called time credits, service credits or time dollars.) TimeBanking builds on the magic of “pay it forward,” one good turn leading to another and another.
Finally, a very BIG resource is the 46 chapter Community Toolbox — worth your time to go through!